Author: admin

Online applications and advice for CRB Checks, DBS Checks, Basic Disclosure Checks Online.

Do You Really Know Who You're Employing?

Do You Really Know Who You’re Employing?

We don’t like to think that people might lie to us, or exaggerate their qualifications or experience. But when you’re in the position of making decisions about employing people, then there are lots of things you can do to check.

Right to Rent Checks - What are they?

Right to Rent Checks – What are they?

There’s a huge demand for high-quality rental property, prices are high and competition is fierce. Even after you’ve found the perfect flat, you then have the paperwork to get through. Most landlords will ask for references.

Criminal Record - Do I Have to Tell My Employer?

Criminal Record – Do I Have to Tell My Employer?

Usually, things which we do as teenagers or young adults don’t follow us around for the rest of our life. If your behaviour crosses the line into criminal however, you might still have to disclose your criminal record years later.

Driving Offences and Disclosure Checks

Driving Offences and Disclosure Checks

There aren’t many drivers who have been behind the wheel for years and have a totally clean licence. Even the best driver makes mistakes. It’s easy to pick up three points for being slightly over the speed limit.

Gambling Licences - Do You Need One?

Gambling Licences – Do You Need One?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that you’d only need a gambling licence if you’re running a casino. Or setting up shop as a bookmaker. However, there are situations where applying for a licence could keep you on the right side of the law.

DBS Checks - True or False?

DBS Checks – True or False?

The process for getting police checks done has changed several times over the years, leading to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. If you’re not sure of the best way to apply for your disclosure check then we’re here to help.

DBS Checks for Tenants in Shared Houses?

DBS Checks for Tenants in Shared Houses?

We’re constantly being told that housing in the UK is in crisis. Prices have risen quickly in many parts of the UK, most notably London. Gone are the days when a mortgage was easy to get, so many more of us are renting.

Protect Your Business with Basic DBS Checks

Protect Your Business with Basic DBS Checks

One rogue employee can easily send a business to the wall or cause irreparable damage to your reputation. Recruiting someone new to join the team is a minefield. Trying to find someone perfect fit for your business isn’t easy.

Working in the UK – Facts, Figures and Abbreviations

Working in the UK – Facts, Figures and Abbreviations

Adjusting to a new country is always difficult. Things get even more complicated in a country like the UK, which has a complex system of laws around employment. For anyone coming to work in the UK it must be baffling.

DBS Checking for Careers in Banking

DBS Checking for Careers in Banking

If you don’t know much about the DBS checking system, then you probably think it’s all about people working with children. Although it’s certainly true that those workers need DBS checks, this is just part of the story.

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