Basic Disclosure Checks and Documentation
It’s a common misconception that applying for basic disclosure checks is a hassle. It’s certainly true that there’s some admin and paperwork involved. But it doesn’t have to be incredibly time consuming.
It’s a common misconception that applying for basic disclosure checks is a hassle. It’s certainly true that there’s some admin and paperwork involved. But it doesn’t have to be incredibly time consuming.
Where would be be without the post office? It’s the centre of so many communities, and in times gone by we did everything from picking up pensions to taxing the car there. But times change. Car tax is done online.
It’s natural to feel some degree of confusion over the different levels of DBS checks. For a start, the system has changed name over the years. We used to talk about Criminal Records Bureau, or CRB checks.
We don’t like to think that people might lie to us, or exaggerate their qualifications or experience. But when you’re in the position of making decisions about employing people, then there are lots of things you can do to check.
If you don’t know much about the DBS checking system, then you probably think it’s all about people working with children. Although it’s certainly true that those workers need DBS checks, this is just part of the story.
There’s been a lot of coverage in the press about the goings-on in the charity sector. Charities can’t assume that everyone applying for a charity job is doing so with the best intentions. DBS checks may apply to people applying to work in the charity.
Every quarter the government releases figures showing how quickly police forces are turning around DBS checks. It’s fair to say that there are huge differences in how quickly checks are processed. How is your local police force doing.
It’s definitely true that there’s nothing more frustrating than waiting for what seems like forever for paperwork to come through. If you’re waiting for a DBS check to be completed before starting a job, the wait can be even worse.